On August 27th, 20 rovers worked together to make 558 sandwiches to help the people of Vancouver’s Downtown East Side. Join us as we experienced a day of team work and giving back to the community!

On August 27th, 20 rovers worked together to make 558 sandwiches to help the people of Vancouver’s Downtown East Side. Join us as we experienced a day of team work and giving back to the community!
By Sandra Lee Planning and managing a project is probably the most intimidating thing you could do in our Rover Scout Group. Our Scout Group specializes in training our Rovers the basics, but the lessons that come out of project management will always be different. What is learnt from managing a project will depend on […]
By Brian Asin This Labour Day weekend, members of the 180th Pacific Coast Scout Group volunteered at TaiwanFest 2016 with an organization called OtherHalf-Chinese Stem Cell Initiative. This Canadian charity strives to increase the number of potential stem cell donors in the global stem cell donor registry. Though they do not limit themselves to […]
By Sandra Lee There is no bigger fashion statement than your necker. Feel free to disagree with me, but it’s true. The necker is more than something you use to keep your neck warm. People can easily make assumptions by the way you do your hair up, what kind of shoes you wear, or judge […]
By Sandra Lee On April 26th, approximately 35 Rovers headed to Chinatown to prepare more than 800 sandwiches for those living in Vancouver’s downtown east side. As a part of Scout Canada’s Good Turn Week, this project was planned and led by Chenoa Liu and Cameron Butler who managed to get the word out about […]
On November 15, 9 members of the 180th Pacific Coast Scout Group attended the National Annual General Meeting 2014 in Toronto. As one of the featured workshops at the conference, we shared our story and idea of how we can all help our organization move towards a sustainable future! Click the link below to listen […]
Here is a nice infographic of 10 reasons why mentoring helps make a difference in the lives of youth. You can also read more about key elements of mentoring in our mentoring guide series. Plus mentoring lets youth know that they are someone who have remarkable potential and talents, and that they matter! […]
By: Anthony Lam To celebrate the work that our contingent has done, the Scout Association in the Province of Nayarit held a gala in our honour. National Chief Scout of Mexico, Scouter Ana Lorena Gudiño Valdez, the President of Mexico Scout Association, Scouter Victor R. Blake Gomez, and the President of the Province of Nayarit for […]
By: Anthony Lam After four days of rigorous work from our International Service Project contingent, the newly acquired Scout Hall in the Province of Nayarit was finally inaugurated on May 10, 2014. Our contingent was invited to witness this milestone event as it marks a new chapter of Scouting in Puerto Vallarta. Attendance of the ceremony included […]
By: Edna Cheng What better way to build connections than having shared experiences? To help and support each other? Aside from our service projects at the Mexican Scout Hall and the Volcanes Elementary, we also had a long term team bonding mission for each contingent member.