28th Terra Nova Richmond



Group Commissioner: Lester Lo
Email: Lester.Lo@28scouts.org
Website: www.28scouts.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/28thRichmond 



Due to the pandemic, all our meetings are currently virtual.
Please contact us for more information


We are a co-ed program.
Youth ages 5 and up are all welcome! Please see below for our youth sections and regular meeting times.



(5-7 years old)



(8-10 years old)



(11-14 years old)



(15-18 years old)

11 AM-12 PM

11:30 AM-1:30 PM

11:30 AM-1:30 PM

11:30 AM-1:30 PM



The 28th Richmond Scouts Group was established in 1986, under the sponsorship of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. We met at the Garden City Elementary School in Richmond and ran a very active Cub Pack and Scout Troop for a number of years. However, due to a lack of leaders, the group, unfortunately, had to fold in 1992.

Sixteen years later, in 2008, the vision of three young individuals brought about the revival of the 28th Richmond Scouts Group. Kevin Li, then on the Board of Governors for Scouts Canada and one of only six World Youth Advisors to the World Scout Committee, provided the initiative and choice of location; Eric Yim, the Group Commissioner for the sister group 116th East Vancouver S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Scout Group supplied the sponsorship connection and group support; and Lester Lo, the founding Group Commissioner of the new 28th Richmond Terra Nova (S.U.C.C.E.S.S.) Scouts Group founded and led the new team of young leaders that were set on bringing the joy of Scouting to more youth of the Richmond community. Once more sponsored by S.U.C.C.E.S.S., and with the unending support from others in the Scouting Community (including the Richmond Area and Pacific Coast Council), the vision became a reality.

Under these circumstances, the revived group had its first meeting on a Sunday morning, September 14th, 2008, outside its new location at Spul’u’kwuks Elementary School in Terra Nova (near No. 1 and Westminster). It boldly opened up with a Beaver Colony, Cub Pack, and Scout Troop starting with only a few members. The group was officially inaugurated at their first Orientation Camp for the youth at the campsite Woodwards Landing, on November 1st, 2008. After that, it became smooth sailing, and a very successful Scouting program was run, culminating in numerous awards for the Group at the end of the year, including the Growth Award for being the second-highest increase in membership and the Best New Group Award. 




2 replies on “28th Terra Nova Richmond”

My name is Tim, and I have just moved to Vancouver from Sydney Australia, back home I have been heavily involved in the scouting movement for 18 years, going through from cubs up to rovers.

I am currently 24 years old so would be interest in joining your rover crew if possible, but am also interested in helping out with other sections, in Australia I have been a scout and venturers leader, and also been involved in the running of major events such as jamborees.

I would really like to come along and meet the group and get involved if you could please provide some more information to me,

Look forward to hearing from you soon

Kind Regards

Tim Smellie

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