By Sandra Lee

Ever want to plan something fun with your friends, but feel that you don’t have the capacity or the skills to run an event? Have you ever found yourself stuck with an awesome idea, visualize the potential of your end product, but can barely imagine the steps in between you and that day dream?
We most certainly have, and here’s our way of making our doodles into a working progress:
On October 8th, we hosted our regular workshop for Project Management Training One (PMT1). Training our Rovers to be effective managers is never a one-and-done deal. After these workshops, Rovers are encouraged to join a department or project to practice these new skills. For instance, one of our Rovers from our Community Service Department is hosting a Twilight Hike on October 15th. Sounds simple, right?
Realistically speaking, there is a lot of planning that comes with a Night Hike. It’s a lot different than planning a stroll in the park with your friends. Because we’re a registered Scouts Canada youth group, there is a list of safety concerns that we have to account for, especially when we have new Rovers who have never hiked (in the dark) before, or aren’t readily equipped for the terrains and trails. How do you know where to start?
Here is some advice that might be helpful if you’re new at managing a project:
- Don’t delegate your responsibilities. Think it through, and ask those who can to help with the tasks that you aren’t quite sure how to handle.
We have a new Rover who is enthusiastic about outdoor adventures. However, leading a group of 20+ Rovers safely through an unlit trail can be a challenging task, even for those who hike often. So, this Rover asked around to find out who else in the Rover Crew were outdoorsy, and sent out an email asking them if they were available to lead with him. This is especially helpful if you were tasked with a outdoor project, but have little to no outdoorsy experience. If you’re in a supportive workplace environment, always ask for help. After asking for help, then you can properly and safely plan the Night Hike without needing to worry about the physical strains of the group. You’ve got one big thing covered; Now just make sure that the expectations of your hike leaders are clear.
- The success behind any project lies in proper planning. Take the time to know your team, collaborate with their ideas, and always be prepared.
Risk management is a skill that Scouting often focuses on. The best way to be prepared for anything that might be in your “blind spots” is through carefully planned and efficient meetings that you would have with your team. Be sure to know your players and find the skills that your project can use. You have the management skills, another might have the technical skills, and the other might know the network enough to know who else to ask for help.
- If you’re planning a hike, don’t carry any extra weight on your shoulders. Figure out what you need to do by thinking through what is and is not within your scope.
Picturing what’s within your realm of responsibility is never an easy task, especially when you are new to managing. What should you be doing that your teammates shouldn’t worry about? What can your teammate help you with to free up your time to plan other things? Try brainstorming the necessary roles that need to be filled before filling your own. Simultaneously, you’ll be building a more tangible team, and you’ll be completing a role that you need to be doing in the first place. Be a leader. People want to help, but no one can help you if you don’t know what to ask.
Most importantly, a Rover Scout never goes through managing a project by him or herself. In all cases, the Rover will have a Scouter overlooking the project to ensure that everyone on the team has the support they need. As well, Rovers can always turn to their peers and ask for advice.PMT1 is just the first step to learning to becoming a good project manager. Our Rover Crew offers more Project Management training, as well as real life opportunities to manage a project of your own in the Crew!
Be sure to see what we’re About, and become a member of the largest Rover Crew in Canada dedicated to leadership and management development!