By Gloria Ng
This post is part of a series on our upcoming International Service Project to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. You can read more about the project here:
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” What does it really mean to be that change? Just ask any one of our International Service Project contingent members. Lasting change is achieved through small, personal acts of kindness and selflessness. This mentality pushes our team members through late night meetings and work parties, and binds our team together- allowing us to truly live and breathe service.
Along with our friends from the 1st Rivorton Rover Crew in Fredericton, New Brunswick, and the President of the Pacific Coast Province of the Scouts Association of Mexico, Moises Ruvalcaba Ceja, we have defined two service projects that will be completed at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The first is the renovation of a local Scout Hall, and the second is the refurbishing Volcanes Elementary School.

Over the span of five days at the Scout Hall, we will be completing three sub-projects: painting a large scale version of the Mexican Scout Group’s banner, designing a mural for the Grand Meeting Room in the Banquet Hall, and painting inspirational Scouting quotes on the walls. Over the past few months, we’ve designed our mural, and planned out the logistics of how we will be putting the stencils from screen to wall. Despite long nights of drawing, tracing, and cutting, our meetings always end with smiles stretched across everyone’s faces when they leave with the thought that they did more than a little bit of good.
The quotes that will decorate the walls of the Scout Halls will be in line with Scouting beliefs. We chose a majority from the writings of Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the father of Scouting, but also from other inspirational figures. A couple of share-worthy quotes that resonated with us include “A smile is the key to open many hearts – Baden Powell”, and “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow”. To enhance our cultural exchange opportunities, we will also be illustrating the quotes in Spanish, with a few English translations on the side.

Additionally, we will be spending three days at Volcanes Elementary to refurbish the kitchen and storage room facilities. In addition to our successful school supplies and laptop drive, we will be doing our part to help provide proper nutrition and health for the children. Parents of the children volunteer their time to cook meals and provide for those who are attending their three-hour long school days. We will be teamed up with a group of construction workers, who are currently mapping out the logistics of the school extension. Not only will we be helping to grow the leaders of tomorrow, but the potential of these children can truly be discovered in an environment that allows for change.

With just one day left before we punch our tickets to Puerto Vallarta, we’re more than ready to serve others in a home away from home!
2 replies on “Finding Yourself through the Service of Others”
Indeed, kindness keeps the world afloat!
Kudos to you guys at the “180th Pacific Coast Scout Group (PCC Rovers)”. You’re doing an amazing job and are definitely going to make a positive change in the lives of those kids in Mexico.
May God bless you and keep you safe from any harm. May you achieve all that you have planned for this Community Service Project.
Last but not least, take good care, and enjoy your time in Mexico.
Looking forward to hearing all your amazing, success stories in the post-iProj meetings here in Vancouver.
Yes, Gandhi also said:” “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
May you all find yourself.