By Derek Fung
This post is part of a series on our upcoming International Service Project to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. You can read more about the project here:
On Saturday, April 5, the 180th Pacific Coast Scout Group hosted their Flag Ceremony to kick off their fourth International Service Project. The contingent will be travelling to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on a two-week experience of a lifetime. In Puerto Vallarta, they will engage in several projects that will not only support local communities, but also provide valuable learning lessons for each contingent member.
In the past, the 180th Pacific Coast Scout Group has held international service projects in China and the Philippines. This time, our Contingent of 22 Rover Scouts and Advisors have the special privilege of embarking on our mission to Mexico with the 1st Rivorton Rover Crew from Fredericton, New Brunswick. While in Puerto Vallarta, the two groups will unite in a joint effort to renovate the Volcanes Elementary School and connect with the local Scouting community in an effort to promote the Scouting Movement globally.
To show their support for the contingent, the 180th Pacific Coast Scout Group invited honoured representatives of the participating nations, members of the local Scouting community and friends and family to attend the Flag Ceremony. The Flag Ceremony is held to formally recognize the efforts of the contingent’s mission to Mexico. Government officials from the participating nations are invited to inspect the participants. The meticulous inspection of the contingent by government officials ensures that each contingent member adheres to the highest standard of quality as representatives of Canada.
At the end of the inspection by the our distinguished guests, the Honourable Alice Wong, MP presented a Canadian Flag to our President Darren Shum. This will be carried by the contingent with pride throughout their mission in Mexico.
In addition, the Honourable Alice Wong presented a certificate on behalf of the Government of Canada to commend the efforts of the 180th Pacific Coast Scout Group. We are grateful to receive this honour.
The 180th Pacific Coast Scout Group wishes to express our gratitude to the honoured guests who attended the event to support our International Service Project to Mexico.

The Flag Ceremony marks the beginning of wonderful journey for our Rover Scouts and Advisors to Mexico. It will be a journey filled with joy, excitement, and learning that will be remembered for a lifetime. Bon voyage!
We would like to thank the generous support of Safeway, PriceSmart foods, Nesters Market, Ganache Patisserie, who provided refreshments for the guests.
View the rest of the photos from the Flag Ceremony here:
You can read more about the Flag Ceremony and our international service project in the Ming Pao Daily News. To read the article in Chinese, visit