[two_third]Congratulations to our very own Brandon Ma, for being elected to represent Pacific Coast Council at the National AGM later this year in October! Eleanor Oakley (Council Commisioner) and Cindy Mei (Council Youth Commissioner) are our other two representatives.
They will vote to elect any new Board of Governors, vote on any business that arises at the AGM, and approve the annual reports. Part of that process is getting to ask the tough questions that makes the organization stronger.
Brandon’s success was a demonstration of the collective reputation of the crew.
Once again Brandon, congratulations!
Rule Changes
Of interest, a few rules changed earlier this year:
- The rules governing the make-up of the Board were changed, making for potentially additional vacancies to be filled.
- The procedure on how Council representatives are elected was also changed. From the previous archaic portioning rules, now every member 14 and up gets one vote for who they’d like to see as one of the three.