iProj Malaysia/Singapore 2015

Roll The End Credits

By Anthony Lam – Project Manager, International Service Project

Gratitude and knowing when to give thanks has always been a hallmark culture of our Rover Crew. Arising from our trip to Malaysia and Singapore, there are a few people who we must give thanks to, for without them, our trip would not have been as successful or as enjoyable as it has been.

To Scouter Lew Nam Sang
When we arrived in Kuala Lumpur, we were greeted warmly by Scouter Lew. Scouter Lew’s kindness and hospitality extended throughout our stay in Malaysia. At the eleventh hour, we were very surprised to learn that he has taken time from his busy schedule to travel with us through Malaysia to ensure that we were comfortable and well taken care of. His care and amazing sense of duty is something that we all look up to.


To Scouter Daniel
Kuching is a small city that is big on culture, and we were given the opportunity to enjoy everything that the city had to offer by Scouter Daniel Siong. Even during the planning process, time zone differences made it difficult to coordinate with Scouter Daniel, but he would always be there when we least expect him to be. Scouter Daniel has once said that his goal is to ensure that our contingent will greatly enjoy themselves in Kuching; and sir, I promise you that we did.


To Scouter Kelvin Goh
When we were in Kuala Lumpur, we were so fortunate to have met Scouter Kelvin who graciously extended his invitation to receive us into his beautiful city of Malacca. Scouter Kelvin’s hospitality included showing us around the city and ensuring that we enjoyed ourselves during our short stay there. Malacca is a beautiful city, and we got the honour and privilege of spending it with our extremely gracious hosts.


To Scouter Teck Chong Law
Our stay in Singapore was not long, but even so, we were welcomed by Scouter Teck Chong Law the moment we stepped off the bus in Singapore. During our stay, Scouter Teck Chong stayed true to his promise to show us all that his city had to offer despite having even greater personal commitments to tend to. We are so touched by all that Scouter Teck Chong has done for us, and we cannot wait until we are given the chance to host him at home in Vancouver.


To Scouter Raymond Leung
Scouter Raymond has been an instrumental part of our planning process since the very beginning, and without his help, we would not have been able to get in touch with so many wonderful Scouters in Malaysia. At our kickoff meeting, Scouter Raymond helped set the stage to ensure our success for this trip, and we could not have done a lot of what we did without him.

To Carol Chow
In any credit reel that involves an International Service Project, we cannot neglect to thank Carol Chow – our travel agent, our currency exchanger, and our pseudo-concierge for this entire trip. Carol’s wealth of knowledge in travel arrangements is what gave us such a comfortable experience during our trip. No words can express just how grateful we are to Carol for all the help that she has given the contingent.

The countless number of individuals we have met along the way has made our experience such a happy and enjoyable one, including: everyone we met in Kuala Lumpur and the Malaysian Scout Club, everyone we met in Kuching and the Sarawak Scout Council, and all the Scouts that we met in Singapore and the Singapore Scout Association. We will not forget all that everyone has done for us, and we are so thankful to have met you on our journey.


Chinese Translation by Samuel Ng



Scouter Lew Nam Sang
當我們抵達吉隆坡時,Scouter Lew 熱情地迎接我們。他的好客和親切態度溫暖了我們的馬來西亞之行。在我們抵埗之後,Scouter Lew 更在百忙之中抽空與我們同行,只為了讓我們有一個更舒適愉快的旅程。對此,我們十分驚喜,亦由衷地感謝他。我們會以他對別人的關懷、照顧和責任感為傍樣的。

Scouter Daniel
古晉城市面積雖小,文化背景卻十分深遠。感謝 Scouter Daniel Siong悉心的安排,我們才有機會盡情體驗這個城市的各種文化特色。當初計劃行程的時候,儘管兩地的時差增加了我們和 Scouter Daniel 之間溝通的難度,他還會在當地的深夜時分盡力為我們提供協助。Scouter Daniel 曾說過他的目標是讓我們好好享受在古晉的時光。Scouter Daniel ,我們可以肯定的跟你說,我們十分享受這次旅程,感謝你!

Scouter Kelvin Goh
我們在吉隆坡的時候,非常慶幸能遇上 Scouter Kelvin,並接受他的邀請到美麗的馬六甲一遊。Scouter Kelvin 好客地帶領我們遊覽這個城市,使我們得以享受這個小旅程。我們十分榮幸能與親切的 Scouter Kelvin 一起在這個漂亮的城市度過美好的時光。

Scouter Teck Chong Law
雖然我們逗留在新加坡的時間不長,但自我們抵達的一刻起,就能感受到 Scouter Teck Chong Law 對我們的熱烈歡迎。在我們逗留的期間,他更特地放下私人事務,履行帶我們遊覽這個城市的承諾。我們感激 Scouter Teck Chong Law 為我們所做的一切,亦期待下次有機會換我們帶他遊覽溫哥華。

Scouter Raymond Leung
Scouter Raymond Leung 自我們計劃是次行程以來已是不可或缺的人物。有了他的幫助,我們才能在馬來西亞和新加坡聯絡到很多非常棒的童軍們。在這個 International Service Project 的啟動會議中,Scouter Raymond 給了我們一臂之力,為本次計劃的成功建立了堅固的基礎。我們十分感謝他的幫忙,因為他,這個旅程才能如此順利。

Carol Chow
在我們每一次 International Service Project 的致謝中,我們一定不能不提 Carol Chow。在整個旅程中,她既是我們 的旅遊代理,又是外幣兌換員和公關。她在安排行程方面有豐富的經驗和知識,讓我們有一個舒適愉快的旅程。對於她為這團隊的無私付出,我們對此表示無言感激。


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